Become a #GlobalVoiceForME on May 12th
Together, we are battling a global health crisis.
This year marks the 55th anniversary since the World Health Organization (WHO) officially acknowledged ME, highlighting the urgency of addressing this global health crisis.
In recent times, the landscape of ME has evolved with COVID-19 triggering a surge in the numbers of individuals affected by ME. Today, we estimate that more than 55 million individuals worldwide are living with the debilitating effects of this condition. Amidst these escalating numbers, member organisations of the World ME Alliance are actively joining forces, amplifying their support for initiatives that seek to address the multifaceted impact of ME on individuals and communities alike.
With your support, we will be a #GlobalVoiceForME.
Take action!
Call on your country to become a #GlobalVoiceForME
Take the first step by searching for your country below! We’ll then guide you through the next steps.


“Please prevent thousands and thousands more people from developing ME.”


“We deserve attention.“

South Africa

“In my community, it’s taboo to be too sick.“
Why should you become a #GlobalVoiceForME?
ME knows no borders, and neither should our efforts to combat it. It is crucial that we work around the world to address this crisis.
COVID-19 continues to trigger a surge in the number of people affected by ME. Your voice is vital to ensuring this is addressed.
By fostering international cooperation, sharing research findings, and building recognition in every nation, we can pave the way for advancements in ME understanding and treatment.
Our goal is a world without ME.
Never underestimate the power of a share…
ME is a global health crisis. And millions more are getting sick following #COVID19. Will you become a #GlobalVoiceForME on #WorldMEDay this May 12th?
Find out more at worldmeday.org
Keep up to date by following us on social media!
Make a poster to show you are a #GlobalVoiceForME
Add your photo to become a #GlobalVoiceForME.
Download your poster to share on social media, and you might be exhibited on our World ME Day 2023 gallery!

Read, share or print the ME Factsheet

Learn about what happens when you push through ME
Right click, or tap and hold, the image you wish to use then click “save as” or “download”.

Right click, or tap and hold, the image you wish to use then click “save as” or “download”.

Create you own custom poster using one our our templates.
Check out our guide to pitching your story to local press.
If you have more ideas of what we can produce to help make World ME Day a success then contact us and we’ll see if we can assist.
World ME Day News
Across the globe for World ME Day 2024
We are reporting on the advocacy, actions, campaigns and events of our member organizations and others across the globe for World ME Day 2024. Brilliant initiatives were held to make a difference on a local and global scale. Demonstrations, lobbying, art and education events were organized across six continents! Learn more about the incredible global…
“Everyday I am walking the tiniest tightrope of forward progress” – Cynthia, USA
Name: Cynthia AdinigPronouns: she/herAge: 38Home: Alexandria, VA, USASick for: 4 years In March 2020 my family and I got a Covid infection so mild we were denied access to a Covid test. But on Mothers Day, May 10th 2020, my life changed forever when I had the first incident that sent me to the Emergency…
Speaker Announcements for Bridging Borders livestream
On May 10th we’ll joining with advocates across the world to showcase the committed work of non-profit organisations, all building a #GlobalVoiceForME. Find out who is speaking and the range of topics they are covering! Speakers Mlindeni Gabela and Sam Pearce MELCuSA South Africa Reporting on the world’s first SICK Pride event Giada Da Ros…
Check out our previous campaign videos and interviews
World ME Day is coordinated by the World ME Alliance and its members.
By focusing on a single day and collaborating across many organisations, we aim to maximise our collective power.