Millions Missing Mexico is a voluntary organisation dedicated to raising awareness about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and supporting people with the disease in Mexico. The organisation was founded in 2018 by a group of people with ME and their caregivers who were frustrated by the lack of knowledge and resources available in Mexico for people living with ME. In particular, they identified the lack of high quality information available in Spanish.
They joined the Millions Missing movement, founded by #MEAction, and held multiple protests in Mexico City to draw attention to the impact of ME on people in Mexico.
Now, they work predominantly online to raise awareness of ME through a variety of initiatives, including social media campaigns, the development and translation of educational materials, and building spaces for people impacted by ME in Mexico to connect. They have also been active in advocating for better care and treatment for ME patients.
In order to create more meaningful change, Millions Missing Mexico is networking across borders with a particular focus on building connections across Latin America, including supporting research efforts.
As a member of the World ME Alliance, Millions Missing Mexico is committed to working towards better care and treatment for ME patients in Mexico and around the world.