Aliança Millions Missing

Aliança Millions Missing brings together ME/CFS groups and individuals from Portugal & Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking communities. They are a dedicated collective, committed to raising awareness about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and advocating for individuals affected by this chronic illness. As part of an international movement, Aliança Millions Missing  works to…

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Mirame Arts

Mirame Arts is dedicated to improving the lives of ME patients through creative and innovative solutions. They recognize the interconnectedness of educational opportunities, workforce participation, and social policy with ME, particularly noting the impact of COVID-19. Their approach is to uncover and use the hidden connections. They understand that problems…

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Emerge Australia

Member Emerge Australia's impressive work has earned them recognition and trust as the leading national patient organisation for ME/CFS in Australia. With a dedicated focus on improving the lives of individuals grappling with these conditions, Emerge Australia provides comprehensive support and information. Their innovative telehealth support service empowers individuals and…

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Member MYOS (Associação Nacional Contra a Fibromialgia e Síndrome de Fadiga Crónica) is a trailblazing organisation in Portugal that has been championing the cause of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Fibromyalgia since its establishment in 2003. With a focus on equality and support for both patient groups, MYOS was founded by…

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ME/CFS Israel

Member ME/CFS Israel is a pioneering organisation dedicated to raising awareness and providing accurate information on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in Israel. They grew organically through social media, building community among people with ME and recognising the opportunity for collective action. With a high-quality website and growing partnerships within…

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Member Neúnavní is a charity supporting individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) in the Czech Republic. Neúnavní provides crucial support services, through free therapy to support individuals learning to live with the disease and monthly community calls. They also work to raise awareness about ME, to dispel myths and promote understanding.…

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Millions Missing Mexico

Member Millions Missing Mexico is a voluntary organisation dedicated to raising awareness about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and supporting people with the disease in Mexico. The organisation was founded in 2018 by a group of people with ME and their caregivers who were frustrated by the lack of knowledge and resources…

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Japan ME Association

Member Japan ME Association (JMEA) is a non-profit organisation based in Tokyo, Japan. Their mission is to help create a society where persons with ME are able to receive effective medical care and social security, and where they can live in hope of returning to their healthy lives. They have…

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Millions Missing France

Member Millions Missing France is a voluntary, non-hierarchical organisation based in Auvergne. The team behind this organisation advocate for people with ME across France. Founded in 2018 they are led by a college of six members all of whom have personal experience of ME. This personal experience, including experience of…

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