ME Support (IOM)

Member ME Support (IOM) was originally established as a self-help group in 1988. It is now a fully-fledged charity providing peer support and information to people with ME across the Isle of Man. Through in-person and online meetings they reduce the isolation many people with ME experience, and build a…

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ME CVS Nederland

Member ME/CVS Nederland is a Dutch charity working to empower and improve the position of people with ME in the Netherlands. They work to provide information, enable peer education, advocate to government and healthcare providers, and contribute to scientific research. Their board includes people with ME and carers, and they…

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Millions Missing Canada

Member Millions Missing Canada is a Canadian advocacy organisation focused on research and treatment. Over the past few years, they have led multiple participatory campaigns to reach government and health care officials, raising awareness of the lives of people with ME in Canada and the urgent need for increased research…

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Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland

Member Hope 4 ME & Fibromyalgia Northern Ireland is a registered charity run by patients and volunteers. Founded in 2011, they have grown from strength to strength, achieving charitable status in 2014, and honoured with receiving the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services in 2020; becoming a foremost charitable organisation working…

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CFS/ME Associazione Italiana

Member The CFS/ME Associazione Italiana is a small organisation working to ensure people with ME in Italy have access to information about their disease from across the world.  The organisation focuses on raising awareness, translating information and resources into Italian, and providing people with ME with information about their rights…

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Member 12ME is a Belgian non-profit association that wants to draw attention to the seriousness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) with a positive story. In doing so, they focus primarily on the awareness campaigns surrounding the International ME Day on May 12. They also focus efforts on…

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