NICE ME/CFS guideline – doctors’ leaders reject ‘evidence based’ change

NICE 2021 ME/CFS guideline –  Doctors’ leaders reject ‘evidence based’ change, but many believe the guideline can be transformative. On the whole patients are relieved that the revised NICE guideline for ME/CFS has at last been published and are pleased with the change in direction it has... News | WAMES…

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How the media reported on the UK’s new ME/CFS guideline

Media coverage of the publication of the new NICE guideline in the UK was impressive in its geographical spread and range of publications who reported on the story. The volume of articles shows the importance of the new guideline and highlights the increased awareness of the issues amongst the UK…

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Get Germany to 50K signatures – Anyone Can Sign!

A team of ME/CFS advocates have launched a petition to raise awareness about the dire situation in Germany. Help Germany get to 50,000 signatures by Tuesday, Nov. 9th and they will be granted a public hearing in the German Bundestag to finally draw attention to the issue of ME/CFS . …

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NICE ME/CFS guideline – ME community expresses hope & caution

NICE ME/CFS guidelineCautious welcome from WAMES & the ME community WAMES welcomes the publication of the 2021 NICE guideline for ME/CFS and the decision by NICE to ‘follow the science’ regarding... News | WAMES (Working for ME in Wales) | Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support Read More

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Send a message of thanks to NICE committee members

After 3 years of hard work by an independent guideline committee, the new ME/CFS guideline, published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), contains major improvements. Work must now take place to ensure this guideline is implemented accurately and with people with ME at the heart of…

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Sign petition to support German people with ME

A petition to the German Bundestag is gaining increasing numbers of signatures. But it still needs your help. Sign for ME/CFS If they can reach 50,000 signatures by the 9th November they will automatically be granted a public hearing with the German Bundestag. To sign you must complete three steps:…

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Final NICE ME/CFS Guideline Published – Find Out The Big News!

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has now published its ME/CFS guideline and we are delighted that they have finally listened to the ME community in several key areas. NICE delayed publication of this guideline in August after concerns were raised by a few Royal Colleges. Instead,…

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NICE publishes ME/CFS guideline: evidence says GET & CBT cannot cure!

NICE ME/CFS guideline outlines steps for better diagnosis and management NICE has today published its updated guideline on the diagnosis and management of myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). It is estimated that there are over 250,000 people in England and Wales with ME/CFS, with about 2.4 times as…

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