Across the globe for World ME Day 2024

We are reporting on the advocacy, actions, campaigns and events of our member organizations and others across the globe for World ME Day 2024. Brilliant initiatives were held to make a difference on a local and global scale. Demonstrations, lobbying, art and education events were organized across six continents! Learn…

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32 organizations call for future pandemic preparedness to address infection-associated chronic conditions

Future pandemic preparedness will fail millions without explicit recognition of and research into infection associate chronic conditions. On 20th September 2023, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response. The commitments outlined in this declaration are vital for enhancing global readiness to tackle…

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Global Advocacy Leaders Speak Out on Post-Exertional Malaise for World ME Day

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a debilitating and complex condition that affects millions of people across the globe. On May 12th, World ME Day is observed to raise awareness of this chronic illness, and to advocate for the millions of people who live with it. The disease where pushing harder can…

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Take Action Virtually with our White House Protest

On Thursday, December 1st, World AIDS Day, HIV/AIDS, ME/CFS and Long COVID activists are taking action at the White House to demand funding for critical global and domestic health measures to keep our communities safe. Here is how you can join us virtually... The post Take Action Virtually with our…

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On World AIDS Day, We’re Taking Action at the White House

MEAction is headed back to the White House for another BOLD ACTION on December 1st at 12pm ET for World AIDS Day. Join us virtually—or on-site if you’re able—for an important day of action. We’ve teamed up with the amazing and dedicated activists at Health GAP, ACT UP, Treatment Action…

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Infection-associated chronic disease experts needed at ARPA-H

Congress launched ARPA-H (the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health) this past March to focus on high-risk, high-reward research projects with the goal to solve intractable health problems. As ARPA-H is in the process of hiring its first cohort of program managers, #MEAction and a coalition of chronic disease advocacy…

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BOLD ACTION is a Commitment to Healthcare Justice for People with ME

BOLD ACTION to me, means mobilizing our community to publicly demonstrate our deep and intense—as opposed to shallow and passive—commitment to seeing healthcare justice for people with ME. It is about bringing our issues to the forefront of public consciousness and putting strong pressure on our leaders to act. Taking…

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What Primary Care practitioners need to know about the new NICE guideline for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in adults

Caroline Kingdon’s new paper on the NICE guideline for ME was co-written with #MEAction UK volunteer Adam Lowe, as well as Charles Shepherd of the ME Association and Luis Nacul of the London School of Tropical Medicine.  As members of the NICE guideline development committee, the authors wrote this paper…

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#MEAction Response to NY Magazine’s Egregious Article on ME and Long COVID

New York Magazine’s Intelligencer published an fallacious article last week about Long COVID and ME/CFS in which the author, Jeff Wise, paternalistically argues that graded exercise therapy (GET) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can successfully treat patients if only the ME and Long COVID communities were open to this possibility.…

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