World ME Day posters launched exploring the 2023 theme

As we approach World ME Day on May 12th, the World ME Alliance is excited to announce the launch of six new graphics that explore different aspects of post-exertional malaise (PEM). These graphics are available for download and use by anyone, with the aim of raising awareness about the impact…

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Engaging with the WHO over disability health equity

Following our letter to the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighting critical gaps in their “Global report on health equity for persons with disabilities”, we have met with officials to discuss our recommendations. This was a positive discussion on the importance of including those with energy limiting disabilities in global health…

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2023 World ME Day campaign announced

The theme for World ME Day 2023 will be the hallmark symptom of ME: post-exertional malaise. The campaign is all about changing the narrative, so that globally people begin to understand this disease more accurately. That’s why our tagline this year is “ME: the disease where pushing harder can make…

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Highlighting critical gaps in the WHO “Global report on health equity for persons with disabilities”

On the 2nd December 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) published an important global report on health equity for persons with disabilities. The report is based upon the principle that persons with disabilities have the right to the highest attainable standard of health as those without disabilities. It demonstrates that…

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Japan ME Association joins the World ME Alliance

As we begin 2023, we are proud to announce the Japan ME Association is joining our World ME Alliance. We are hopeful that this will be a fruitful relationship, extending our global reach as we build a stronger ME community together, and supporting the Japan ME Association in its activities.…

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An Evolving Landscape: Long Covid’s Impact on ME/CFS

It’s hard to believe that we’re well into the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, which coincidentally overlaps with my time as Solve M.E.’s President and CEO. In this time... The post An Evolving Landscape: Long Covid’s Impact on ME/CFS appeared first on Solve ME/CFS Initiative.... Read More >>

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Millions Missing France joins the World ME Alliance

With great excitement, we announce our 20th member, and yet another country joining our ranks! Today Millions Missing France officially joins our Alliance, providing yet more global reach and we build a stronger ME community together. Millions Missing France was founded in 2018, and has since grown to become a…

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La luminothérapie et le changement de saison

La luminothérapie, ça mange quoi en hiver? La luminothérapie consiste à s’exposer à de la lumière artificielle projetée par une lampe (qui n’émet aucun rayon UV) un certain nombre de minutes par jour, afin de simuler les heures d’ensoleillement habituelles en été et au printemps. Rien de plus simple :…

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Solve M.E. Engages New Community Partners Through Lived Experience Taskforce (LET)

Building on our commitment to centering the crucial voices from our community in the leadership and decision-making at Solve M.E., we are transforming our Community Advisory Council (2019 – 2022) into our new Lived Experienced Task Force (LET) launching in 2023.  The Lived Experience Task Force (LET) will serve as…

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Portrait de l’ergothérapeute Mélanie Kasner

Nous avons le privilège de collaborer avec Mélanie Kasner sur plusieurs projets depuis les derniers mois. Nous souhaitions vous la présenter davantage en quelques lignes. Mélanie a complété son baccalauréat en kinésiologie avec cheminement honorifique à l’Université McGill en 2011. Puis, elle a obtenu sa maitrise en ergothérapie à l’Université…

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