Solve M.E. Engages New Community Partners Through Lived Experience Taskforce (LET)

Building on our commitment to centering the crucial voices from our community in the leadership and decision-making at Solve M.E., we are transforming our Community Advisory Council (2019 – 2022) into our new Lived Experienced Task Force (LET) launching in 2023.  The Lived Experience Task Force (LET) will serve as…

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Portrait de l’ergothérapeute Mélanie Kasner

Nous avons le privilège de collaborer avec Mélanie Kasner sur plusieurs projets depuis les derniers mois. Nous souhaitions vous la présenter davantage en quelques lignes. Mélanie a complété son baccalauréat en kinésiologie avec cheminement honorifique à l’Université McGill en 2011. Puis, elle a obtenu sa maitrise en ergothérapie à l’Université…

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Take Action Virtually with our White House Protest

On Thursday, December 1st, World AIDS Day, HIV/AIDS, ME/CFS and Long COVID activists are taking action at the White House to demand funding for critical global and domestic health measures to keep our communities safe. Here is how you can join us virtually... The post Take Action Virtually with our…

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Qu’est-ce que le POTS (syndrome de tachycardie orthostatique posturale)?

Le syndrome de tachycardie orthostatique posturale est un trouble multisystémique chronique dont le symptôme cardinal est une tachycardie orthostatique. Appelé Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome en anglais, les termes POTS ou STOP sont fréquemment utilisés. Quels sont les symptômes? Le principal symptôme du POTS est l’augmentation anormale du pouls (sans chute…

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12ME doneert 10.000 euro aan OMF

Op dinsdag 29 november, ‘Giving Tuesday’, doneren we 10.000 euro aan de Amerikaanse ngo Open Medicine Foundation (OMF). Hiermee willen we het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar myalgische encefalomyelitis/chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom (ME/CVS) ondersteunen in de hoop dat er zo een effectieve behandeling voor deze invaliderende ziekte gevonden wordt. Dit is de grootste ……

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Could you be our new Communications Volunteer in 2023? Apply today.

We’re looking for a new volunteer to support the World ME Alliance in growing our social media presence and helping with our website. Are you looking for something new and exciting to do in 2023? Apply now The World ME Alliance is a unique coalition of ME organisations from around…

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On World AIDS Day, We’re Taking Action at the White House

MEAction is headed back to the White House for another BOLD ACTION on December 1st at 12pm ET for World AIDS Day. Join us virtually—or on-site if you’re able—for an important day of action. We’ve teamed up with the amazing and dedicated activists at Health GAP, ACT UP, Treatment Action…

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Solve Ramsay Grant Scientists Among Those Awarded Nearly $5 Million for Biomedical Research

This week the Patient-Led Research Collaborative (PLRC) announced $4.8 million in biomedical research awards for Long Covid and associated conditions. ine research projects in Long Covid, ME/CFS, dysautonomia, and associated conditions will study “many investigative paths, including microclots, spinal-structural abnormalities, immunologic dysfunction, microbiome changes, mechanisms of sleep dysfunction, computational drug…

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Carers rights day 24 Nov 2022 – Caring costs

Caring costs: Carers Rights day Caring Costs in so many ways. It could be the cost to unpaid carers’ wellbeing and ability to access health services. Sometimes it’s the financial costs associated with looking after someone – or the effects on carers’ employment options. Taking care of someone may cost…

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Infection-associated chronic disease experts needed at ARPA-H

Congress launched ARPA-H (the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health) this past March to focus on high-risk, high-reward research projects with the goal to solve intractable health problems. As ARPA-H is in the process of hiring its first cohort of program managers, #MEAction and a coalition of chronic disease advocacy…

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