Aliança Millions Missing

Aliança Millions Missing brings together ME/CFS groups and individuals from Portugal & Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking communities. They are a dedicated collective, committed to raising awareness about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and advocating for individuals affected by this chronic illness. As part of an international movement, Aliança Millions Missing  works to…

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Aliança Millions Missing joins the World ME Alliance, expanding our reach among Portuguese-speaking countries and communities.

The World ME Alliance is thrilled to welcome our newest member organization, Aliança Millions Missing, a collective of Portuguese speaking advocates dedicated to raising awareness about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and campaigning for those affected by this debilitating illness. This addition marks a significant milestone as we expand our global reach…

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Across the globe for World ME Day 2024

We are reporting on the advocacy, actions, campaigns and events of our member organizations and others across the globe for World ME Day 2024. Brilliant initiatives were held to make a difference on a local and global scale. Demonstrations, lobbying, art and education events were organized across six continents! Learn…

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“I miss the real Priscilla, who loves to dance” – Priscilla, Brazil

Name: Priscilla FalcãoPronouns: she/herAge: 46Home: Salvador, BrazilSick for: 7 years I’ve always had a very fragile immune system, so my illness is probably post-viral. I feel like I only have 10-20% of the energy capacity I had before I got sick. If doctors were trained to deal with ME/CFS, I…

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“I’m on a lonely island, surrounded by a turbulent sea” – Marya, Brazil

Name: Marya FerreiraAge: 52Pronouns: she/herHome: Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco, BrasilSick for: 22 years I went to bed feeling fine and woke up with the flu - high fever, runny nose, nasal congestion, body aches, sneezing, inflamed throat.... Two months later, I woke up as if the flu had never…

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“Please prevent thousands and thousands more people from developing ME” – Ivana, Brazil

Name: Ivana Andrade Age: 34 Pronouns: she/her Home: São Paulo, Brazil Sick for: 10 years I've always felt more tired than other people, but was led to believe for many years that this was laziness or depression. At some point in my life I had mononucleosis but we don't know…

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