Across the globe for World ME Day 2024

We are reporting on the advocacy, actions, campaigns and events of our member organizations and others across the globe for World ME Day 2024. Brilliant initiatives were held to make a difference on a local and global scale. Demonstrations, lobbying, art and education events were organized across six continents! Learn…

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32 organizations call for future pandemic preparedness to address infection-associated chronic conditions

Future pandemic preparedness will fail millions without explicit recognition of and research into infection associate chronic conditions. On 20th September 2023, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response. The commitments outlined in this declaration are vital for enhancing global readiness to tackle…

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World ME Day 2022 roundup

After an incredible World ME Day we wanted to share some of the amazing progress made across the globe. As individuals and organisations, our community stepped forward to fight for people with ME everywhere. We're going to do this by country, because there is just so much to cover! This…

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Fibromiàlgia i Pressupostos de la Generalitat 2022

The amendments to the text of the Budget of the Generalitat de Catalunya have been published today. As you may know, as we did in the Congress of Deputies, we had addressed all the parliamentary groups in the Parliament of Catalonia, in order to request that there be two budget…

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Entrevista al programa “Tot es Mou” de TV3 ( 30/11/2021)

As we reported last November 25, the Congress of Deputies approved an amendment to the General State Budget. Well, TV3's "Tot es Mou" program gave him the opportunity to explain it briefly to his audience. You can see the intervention we did by... This post first appeared on Plataforma Familiars.…

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La Fibromiàlgia, la Síndrome de Fatiga Crònica i la SQM seran presents als Pressupostos Generals de l’Estat 2022

We asked all the parliamentary groups of the Congress of Deputies that in the General Budgets of the State 2022 there should be two budget items: To carry out an institutional campaign from the state aimed at the general public to seek normalization of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and sensitivity……

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Fibromiàlgia i pressupostos Generals de l’Estat 2022

Tenim nova informació sobre les gestions que hem estat fent-i continuarem fent- al Congreso de los Diputados, en relació a la inclusió de dues ... (We have new information on the steps we have been taking - and will continue to take - in the Congress of Deputies, in relation…

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Acte sobre COVID persistent i Síndromes de Sensibilització Central

El pròxim 4 de novembre podrem escoltar diverses ponències sobre les qüestions que sorgeixen al voltant dels efectes de les infeccions postvíriques. Creiem que pot ser d’interès escoltar el que els experts poden aportar. RESERVA’T LA DATA 4 de novembre de 2021 Punt de vista Familiars de persones afectades... Read…

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