After Vaccination, Health of People with Long Covid More Likely to Improve or Worsen Compared to Controls

In survey, 30% of people with Long Covid said health improved after vaccination and 28% said health worsened, compared to 4% and 7%, respectively, reported by controls. With an onslaught from the Omicron variant looming,... This post appeared first on Solve ME/CFS Initiative. Read More

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CDC decides not to publish flawed ME/CFS treatments review!

As we enter the holidays we have a positive development to report coming out of yesterday’s ME/CFS stakeholder call with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC has announced that it will not publish a systematic evidence review of ME/CFS treatments by the Oregon Health Science University…

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Apply to join the UK’s ME/CFS priority setting workshops

Through three stages of participation, this process is aiming to define the top ten research priorities for people affected by this disease.    The process now has just one more step – and you could be part of it.   These …This post appeared first on #MEAction Network. Read More

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#MEAction Arrives in the Medieval Town of Med-Ed

Here’s a hearty hello from the Medieval Town of Medical Education!  Lords and Ladies,  We did it!… we got over $75,000 (£56,781) which means we have arrived at this new land on our Giving Adventure Map. I’m Laurie Jones, the Managering Elf, and I am going to tell you what…

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NICE Committee Member Community Call Review

Two NICE ME/CFS guideline committee members joined #MEAction for a community call, to provide their insight into the guideline process and answer questions. Adam Lowe is a person with ME and has been supporter of various ME organisations, including #MEAction UK and Science for ME. He was one of five…

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